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Getting started with the Azure Sensor Pack on Azure Marketplace

Updated: Jan 14, 2023

Our Azure Sensor Pack is also available as a pre-installed VM in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. Below is a short guide how to quickly configure the virtual machine, the PRTG Probe and the Azure sensor pack.


The pre-installed virtual machine in the Azure Marketplace contains the following applications:

  • PRTG Probe

  • Azure Sensor Pack

Connecting the remote probe to your PRTG Core

Firstly, use this link to access our offering on the Azure Marketplace

Press the "Get it Now" button and customize the pre-installed virtual machine in your Azure subscription.

On the Azure VM

License Request

As soon as the VM is up and running and has an IP address, use our license request form to obtain a trial license.

Configure the Probe

Open the PRTG Administration Tool (under the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor). Update the Server IP address to your server. Generate a new GID and copy it. Press Save & Close.

On the PRTG Core Server

On your PRTG Core Server make sure to add the GID to your approved access keys and make sure the IP address of the probe is allowed.

Important: Make sure to configure your Firewall(s) to allow access of the Azure VM via Port TCP 23560 to your PRTG Core server.

Assuming that the firewall rules are all set, you will see the pop-up window below on your PRTG Core server web interface:

Press Approve.


If you don’t see the pop-up, check the following:

1. Make sure the GID is not under the deny list

2. Download the remote probe installer and press installation done (no need to use the installer). Press Approve.

3. You might need to change the “Outgoing IP for Monitoring Requests” configuration in the PRTG Administration tool.

PRTG Core additional configuration:

Via the PRTG web interface create a new group and locate it on the newly added probe (i.e. AutoMonX_Azure)

On the Azure VM

Open as administrator the “AutoMonX Azure Sensor Pack UI” located on the desktop. (If it isn’t you can find it under the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\Custom Sensors\EXEXML\Automonx\Common named SensorAutoDisco_UI.exe).

Paste the license you received from AutoMonX into the appropriate fields: The string under Azure 5 Tenants into the “Multi Tenant License” box, and the string under Azure Resources into the “License” box. Press Update.

Azure Sensor Pack configuration

Follow section 5 in our deployment guide for configuring the Azure connection, and section 7 to initiate the auto-discovery of your Azure estate.

Once the discovery is complete, add the PRTG Core Server connection details and use our Monitoring Automation to add the Azure resources to PRTG.

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